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Mentoring Philosophy

Thank you for your interest in joining our research group!  My primary objective in training young scientists is to help my students become creative and critical thinkers, eager to ask innovative questions about the natural world.  I strive to promote the excitement of discovery while simultaneously helping students develop confidence in themselves as scientists and professionals, and an appreciation for the diversity of their peers.  I work closely with my students – guiding, advising, encouraging, and commiserating along the way – but believe that students must have a strong personal investment in the questions they are pursuing.  I thus expect my graduate students at the PhD level to develop and own their research projects.  While my research is primarily focused on small mammals, a focus on small mammals is not necessary to join the lab!

Graduate Students

If you are interested in applying to OSU’s Integrative Biology Department to work with me, please send me an email with the following information.  Your answers are helpful to me in determining whether I would be an appropriate advisor for you.

  1. Description of your past academic, work, and/or research experience.

  2. Type of research questions you would like to address in graduate school.

  3. Why you want to do a Masters or PhD and your ultimate career goals.

  4. Why you are interested in working with me.

  5. Your current CV/resume (as an attachment).

The deadline for application to OSU is December 15th.  Information on applying can be found here.  Student support at OSU is typically provided through TA and RA-ships.  I also strongly encourage all graduate students to apply for external funding through the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship program either prior to arrival or during their first year at OSU.

Postdoctoral Researchers

Please contact me directly to inquire about postdoctoral opportunities that may be available in my lab.



I love involving motivated undergraduates in our lab!  We usually have opportunities through honors research projects, work-study positions, and on a volunteer basis.  Please send me an email to inquire about the possibilities.

© Terry Lab. 2022. All rights reserved.

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