Bold denotes Terry Lab member (postdoc*, graduate student**, undergraduate***)
~ 2022 ~
Terry, R.C., E.B. Davis, and M.M. Emery-Wetherell. In Review. Chapter 13 - Small Mammal Paleontology of the Paisley Caves. Chapter in review for upcoming book on the Paisley Caves, D.L. Jenkins, ed. University of Utah Press.
~ 2021 ~
Taylor, D.S.**, E. DeJesus***, M. Novak, and R.C. Terry. 2021. The effects of formalin fixation and fluid storage on stable isotopes in rodent hair. Journal of Mammalogy 1635:1647. doi: 10.1093/jmammal/gyab102
~ 2020 ~
Pardi, M., R.C. Terry, E.A. Rickart, and R.J. Rowe. 2020. Testing climate tracking of montane rodent distributions over the past century within the Great Basin ecoregion. Global Ecology and Conservation 24: e01238. doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01238
Smiley, T.M.*, P.O. Title, M.L. Zelditch, and R.C. Terry. 2020. Multi-dimensional biodiversity hotspots and the future of taxonomic, ecological and phylogenetic diversity: A case study of North American rodents. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29: 516-533. doi: 10.1111/geb.13050
~ 2018 ~
Terry, R.C., J.A. Laney**, and S.H. Hay-Roe***. 2018. Quantifying the digestive fingerprints of predators on the bones of their prey using scanning electron microscopy. Palaios 33: 487-497. (Cover article, winner of the 2020 Outstanding Paper in Palaios award (Oct. 2020), research highlighted in April 2019 issue of Scientific American).
Kohli, B.A., R.C. Terry, and R.J. Rowe. 2018. A trait-based approach for discerning drivers of species co-occurrence across heterogeneous landscapes. Ecography 41: 1-13 (Paper selected by Ecography as their Editor's Choice for the month of December).
Tanis, B.P.**, L.R.G. DeSantis, and R.C. Terry. 2018. Dental microwear textures across the dental arcade in canids: implications for dietary studies of extant and extinct caniforms. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 508: 129-138.
~ 2017 ~
Terry, R.C. 2017. Isotopic niche variation from the Holocene to today reveals minimal partitioning and individualistic dynamics among four sympatric desert mice. Journal of Animal Ecology. 87: 173-186. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.12771
Terry, R.C., M.E. Guerre***, and D.S. Taylor. 2017. How specialized is a diet specialist? Niche flexibility and local persistence through time of the Chisel-toothed Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys microps). Functional Ecology 31: 1921-1932.
Badgley, C., T.M. Smiley*, R.C. Terry (+14 alphabetical co-authors after Terry). 2017. Biodiversity and topographic complexity: modern and geo historical perspectives. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 32(3): 211-226. (Cover article).
Smiley, T.M.* and R.C. Terry. 2017. Paleoecology: Methods. The Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Chichester.
~ 2016 ~
Lyons, S.K., et al. (27 authors including R.C. Terry). 2016. Reply to How foreign is the past? Nature 538. doi: 10.1038/nature20097
Lyons, S.K., et al. (27 authors including R.C. Terry). 2016. Reply to Questioning Holocene community shifts. Nature 537. doi: 10.1038/nature19111
Lyons, S.K., et al. (28 authors including R.C. Terry). 2016. Holocene shifts in the assembly of plant and animal communities implicate human impacts. Nature 529: 80-83.
~ 2015 ~
Terry, R.C. and R.J. Rowe. 2015. Energy flow and functional compensation in Great Basin small mammals under natural and anthropogenic environmental change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 112: 9656-9661.
(Paper highlighted by multiple news media outlets (ScienceNews, NatureNews, NPR's Science Friday), and
highlighted by a commentary in PNAS written by J. Betancourt).
Terry, R.C. and M. Novak. 2015. Where does time go: mixing and the depth-dependent distribution of fossil ages. Geology 43: 487-490.
~ 2014 ~
Rowe, R.J. and R.C. Terry. 2014. Small mammal responses to environmental change: integrating past and present dynamics. Journal of Mammalogy 95: 1157-1174.
Blois, J.L., et al. (22 authors including R.C. Terry). 2014. A framework for evaluating the influence of climate, dispersal limitation, and biotic interactions using fossil pollen associations across the late Quaternary. Ecography 37: 1095-1108.
~ Prior to OSU ~
Terry, R.C., C.L. Li, and E.A. Hadly. 2011. Predicting species responses to climatic warming: autecology, geographic range, and the Holocene fossil record. Global Change Biology 17: 3019-3034 (Highlighted by Science News, Oct. 2010).
Rowe, R.J., R.C. Terry, and E.A. Rickart. 2011. Environmental change and declining resource availability for small mammal communities in the Great Basin. Ecology 92: 1366-1375. (Cover Article, Editor’s Choice feature in Science Magazine).
Terry, R.C. 2010. The dead don’t lie: using skeletal remains for rapid assessment of historical small mammal community baselines. Proc. Roy. Soc. B 277: 1193-1201.
Terry, R.C. 2010. On raptors and rodents: testing the ecological fidelity of cave death-assemblages through live-dead analysis. Paleobiology 36: 137-160.
Terry, R.C. 2009. Paleoecology: Methods. The Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. Chichester. doi: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0003274
Terry, R.C. 2008. Modeling the effects of predation, prey cycling, and time-averaging on relative abundance in raptor-generated small-mammal death-assemblages. Palaios 23: 402-410. (Featured by BioOne, July 2008).
Terry, R.C. 2007. Inferring predator identity from skeletal damage of small-mammal remains. Evolutionary Ecology Research 9: 199-219.
Terry, R.C. 2004. Owl pellet taphonomy: a preliminary study of the post-regurgitation taphonomic history of pellets in a temperate forest. Palaios 19: 497-506.
Rogers, R.R., K.C. Rogers, D. Munyikwa, R.C. Terry, and B.S. Singer. 2004. Sedimentology and taphonomy of the upper Karoo-equivalent Mpandi Formation in the Tuli Basin of Zimbabwe, with a new 40AR/39AR age for the Tuli basalts. Journal of African Earth Sciences 40(3-4): 147-161.
Kowalewski, M., et al., (13 authors in alphabetical order including R.C. Terry). 2003. Quantitative fidelity of brachiopod-mollusk assemblages from modern subtidal environments of the San Juan Islands, USA. Journal of Taphonomy 1:43-65.